Dear neighbor:
The purpose of this letter is to introduce you to the new Board of Businesses and Neighbors of the Turó Park, which I am honored to preside and represent. I also want to use this opportunity to inform you about the situation of our neighborhood and to share our current projects and concerns with you.
Our top priorities are the neighborhood's SAFETY AND CLEANLINESS. To that effect, we contacted our representatives in the District and achieved a greater involvement and cooperation in our neighborhood of the "Mossos d'Esquadra" (Catalan police force) and the "Guardia Urbana" (City police force). As a result of our efforts, these two police forces established a joint police operation during the past Christmas season that diminished the commission of crimes. We have requested the maintenance and, if need be, stregthening of this operation.
We have been holding meetings with the representatives of the District in order to develop a Dynamization Plan for our commercial area. Some of the instruments that are bringing about this refurbishment are advertisements and festive activities such as the concerts that take place on Saturday mornings in the wonderful setting provided by OUR TURÓ PARK. These types of activities were successfully carried out in the past. We managed to secure better maintenance of and improvements to our neighborhood facilities.
We are striving to provide our residents with businesses and shops that offer proximity and quality. We are therefore developing mechanisms that enhance the cooperation and coexistence between smaller shops and renown brands and thus enable all of us to increase the prestige and quality of life of our neighborhood. We are also in the process of requesting a neighborhood bus, which will furnish those who need it with a means of transportation to municipal markets and health-care and social services facilities.
We are convinced that, with the joint support of the neighborhood's businesses and residents, we will accomplish these and other objectives. Hence, and because the neighborhood's improvement concerns all of us, the Board of Businesses and Neighbors of the TURÓ PARK seeks all of the ideas, suggestions and projects that you may want to share with us.
In order to ensure that the stated projects will generate a renovation and improvement that benefits the entire neighborhood, we ask for your support and that you join our program filling out the form that we annex.
Sincerely yours,